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Chantry Academy



Admission Arrangements
As Chantry Academy is part of a Multi-Academy Trust, the Active Learning Trust is responsible for establishing the admission criteria and the oversubscription criteria for the academy, in line with guidance from the Department of Education’s School Admissions Code.   This process is supported by Suffolk County Council.    A copy of the school Admission Arrangement document is given below, and this includes details of the school Published Admission Number (PAN) and the school’s oversubscription criteria. 

If your child is due to start school in Year 7 in September 2023
Pupil admissions for the Year 7 are administered annually by the Local Authority on behalf of the Trust.  You should apply by completing an application form and returning it to Suffolk County Council.   Forms are available below.  
You will be informed of the outcome of your application by Suffolk County Council.

Admissions to other Year groups
If you are looking for a new school place for your child that is outside of the normal admission cohorts listed above, you should apply directly to the school.   This is called an In-Year Admission, and relates to Years 1-6 and Years 8-11.   It also usually relates to Reception Year and Year 7 from the Spring term onwards.  An application form is below which should be returned to the Academy.
You will be informed of the outcome of your application by the School or the Active Learning Trust.

Admission Appeals
If your application to either of the routes above is unsuccessful, you have the right appeal against the decision to refuse your child a school place.    Admission appeals are the responsibility of the Active Learning Trust, and an application for appeal can be made by completing the form given below.
An appeal will give you the opportunity to outline you case for admitting your child to school.
You will be informed of the outcome of any appeal by the Active Learning Trust.

Admission Arrangements for 2024 / 25

Appeal Timetable 2024

ALT Appeal Form

Should you have a query about admission please contact:
Admissions, Southern Area Education Officer - Telephone:  0345 600 0984
or click on the link

If you have a child who is currently in secondary education who wishes to transfer to the Academy, please complete the form below.

PDF icon  In Year Transfer Application form - this form should be completed and returned to the Academy.

Transfer Arrangements

Year 7

At Chantry Academy we do everything possible to make the transfer from Primary School as smooth as possible.  Key staff visit the primaries and speak with the young people to discuss their hopes and fears. We liaise closely with the primary schools to ensure we understand each young person's needs and aspirations. Projects ensure students make progress from their very first day of arriving at the Academy.  We offer opportunities for parents to come and speak to us.

Parents are always welcome to visit the Academy during the school day. If you wish to do so please contact the office for an appointment with a senior member of staff.

Our intake number is 210.

New pupils are invited to attend Chantry Academy for two days during the Summer Term -

(2nd/3rd July 2025).  

Our current feeder schools are:
Gusford Primary School
The Oaks Primary Schoo
Ranelagh Primary School
Sprites Primary Academy

Link to D of E Schools Comparison Website