FREE Chantry Academy iPhone and Android App

Chantry Academy


GO 4 Schools   -  ** You can now use the App - please see below **

When enabled by the Academy, students can log in securely from school or home to view their current marks and past reports - which all ties in with Assessment for Learning. Students can see at a glance how a mark here and there can improve their overall grade. The student-focused view provides a focus for Academic Mentoring and Learning Conversations. Students can view their reports and attendance data at home with their parents.

GO 4 Schools - Parents
When enabled by the Academy, parents can log in securely to view their children’s' current marks, behaviour and attendance summary. Student reports can be viewed online or downloaded as PDF documents for printing. It is therefore important that the Academy has an up to date email address so that they can register it in GO, therefore allowing you access to your child’s data.

What you need to do:
Let us have your email address so that we can register you. Once registered go to  

Click the Parents tab at the top

First-time User?
As you will not have  logged on to GO for Parents and Guardians before, type your email address and click the "please send me a password" button. Once you have your password you can log in and view the data at any time.  When reports are available, you will receive an email.

You can also download the GO4Schools App.  Details below:

Instructions for Parents

Instructions for Students

If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact the Academy.