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Local Welfare Assistance Scheme

The new and improved Local Welfare Assistance Scheme is available to assist towards increased costs such as: food, energy, clothing and other household costs.

Members of the public can now apply directly to LWAS via the SCC website on this link: Apply for Local Welfare Assistance - Suffolk Council

There is a two-step process for the new platform:

1) eligibility checks, and
2) uploading evidence to support an application.

There are two ways to make an application:

1) as a member of the public or
2) with support from Suffolk Citizens Advice or a Local Authority. 

Successful applicants will be eligible for financial support via either a BACS transfer to the applicant’s bank account or a Post Office ‘cash out’ voucher sent by email and/or text.

The Cost of living support | Suffolk County Council can also be viewed for wider forms of support in Suffolk.

For any queries please contact