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What is meant by Early Help?

What is meant by Early Help? Early help is about stopping problems escalating. It relies on accurate early identification of difficulties and early action which is targeted and evaluated. It can involve intensive intervention or lighter touch support and is usually based on a clear support plan, with identified actions, responsibilities and outcomes, which is then reviewed. Early help is a form of targeted activity, with a specific action or actions being put in place to address a defined issue or combination of issues. It therefore forms part of a continuum of activity in supporting families. The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is used by people working for organisations across Suffolk including schools and children's centres. The aim is for everyone including children, young people and parents/carers to agree the first steps and types of support that will help families work their way out of problems and resolve difficulties. If existing support is not sufficient and families are struggling they can also request additional help by making a CAF referral. Should you feel that a CAF or some other form of early help support will benefit your child/family, please contact us via 

Please see list below for further details of Early Help.

Early Help List